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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is learning for a lifelong learner

Daniel Boorstin said, “Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.” (Boorstin, 2001). My global perspectives class assignments have given me so much to take with me throughout this time preparing for my doctorate.  I have read about interpretations of the quality of child care centers from countries around the globe (Van Laere, Peeters, & Vandenbroeck, 2012).  I have seen evidence that people are taking steps to address issues with teacher preparation programs (Nitecki, 2012) (Rose & Rogers, 2012).  I have watched many documentary type videos of early childhood settings and interviews with practitioners in the field (Laureate Education, 2013). 
Particular assignments that were particularly memorable to me were those that involved me having the pleasure of witnessing many childhood education settings outside of my own and conversing with the teachers at these settings.  Every educator has their own take on what children need.  Each child has a unique set of quirks and strengths.  Each year presents a new set of challenges.  In this field, there is never a dull moment!

Boorstin, D. (2001, January 1). Education. . Retrieved July 24, 2014, from   

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2013). Introduction to global perspectives on
development and learning. [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Nitecki, E. (2012). The Culture of Family: How a Model Early Childhood Teacher Preparation
Program Navigates a Limited Context. Journal Of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 33(2), 127-143. doi:10.1080/10901027.2012.675835

Rose, J., & Rogers, S. (2012). Principles under Pressure: Student Teachers' Perspectives on Final
Teaching Practice in Early Childhood Classrooms. International Journal Of Early Years Education, 20(1)43-58

Van Laere, K., Peeters, J., & Vandenbroeck, M. (2012). The Education and Care Divide: The
Role of the Early Childhood Workforce in 15 European Countries. European Journal Of Education, 47(4), 527-541